Front End Developer/Project Manager

Creative Thinker with an eye for detail and self-motivated.

Have worked in an Agile work environment working in a team made up of Project & Product Managers, QA,  DBA's, etc... I'm passionate about delivering project's on time, on budget and going beyond the customer's expectations.

There are no failures — just experiences and your reactions to them. — Tom Krause

I Build For The Web...

Talent wins games, but teamwork and intelligence wins championships. — Michael Jordan


Experienced Front End / Project Manager with vast IT experience. Skills include web development, analytical thinking and creative problem solving. Able to draw and apply my experiences to improve user experience for clients, employees and administration. Proven record of generating and building relationships, managing projects from concept to completion, and designing educational strategies. Adaptable and leadership skills with an ability to work independently, making critical decisions during challenges, and developing opportunities that further establish organizational goals.


Front End Developer - Aliso Viejo, CA

Techounds Aug 2023 - Present

Working on various projects.

Tec-Front End Developer - Aliso Viejo, CA

Compass Bible Church Oct 2021 - Aug 2023

Worked on Compass Bible Institute website and Inventory management system.

Project Manager - Aliso Viejo, CA

Kornit Oct 2020 - Feb 2021 ( Kornit bought Custom Gateway )

Custom Gateway March 2018 - Sept 2020

Helped deliver software tools & services to make our clients more proficient from production & producing to selling & fulfilling orders for personalized, customized & other on-demand products.

Front End Developer (Full Stack Developer) - Costa Mesa, CA                                                                  

Experian November 2009 - February 2017

Developed modern mobile responsive UI components and page layouts for high traffic and high security public internet sites.

Technologies: JavaScript, AngularJS, Angular 9, Angular 1.x, HTML5, CSS3, Sass, Less, AJAX, Bootstrap 3, RESTful API, jQuery, Node, Gulp, MVC, ASP.NET, C#, SQL, MySQL, Firebase. MongoDb


My Password Generator and Chrome Plugins were developed to improve our work environment for some of our daily tasks. The Chrome Plugin can be tailored to a person's job role, meaning, a sales person will have a different set of links vs. project manager. Anyways, I think you get the jest of it.

Chrome Plugin - (No live Preview)

Chrome Plugin developed for ease of access some of our proprietary Software and other applications used daily.

Chrome Plugin - (No live Preview)

Chrome Plugin developed for ease of access some of our proprietary Software and other applications used daily.

These are some web apps I've built using API, Material Design, Angular, Svelte & plain Vanilla JavaScript.

GIT Repo

This Feedback app built with Svelte.

GIT Repo

This website does not use any frameworks or libraries. It is built with pure HTML and CSS and a bit of JavaScript for the hamburger menu and the FAQ accordion.

GIT Repo

[NOTE] The URL is free hosting & may take 30 seconds for the server to wake up.

JavaScript, MongoDB and a few other NPM packages. Used MVC approach for organizing my JavaScript. This site is for papers written on subjects pertaining to Apologetics. You can use Markdown code to format your page.

[NOTE] The URL is a free hosting so it may take 30 seconds for the server to wake up. 

JavaScript & MongoDB. Task's/Items are saved to the database and will stay after you close the browser or you delete it.

User name: hey password: you


The Inventory Management System provides an easy to use GUI (Graphical User Interface) built on top of Google Sheets. It provides 3 major features: 1  Search, 2 add an item and 3 Checked Out by. There is also deleting and editing an item.

The item can be a single or group of items that will have a unique id assigned to it. The item will also have a building and within that building an address location. The Five, 140 Triangle, 150 Usher Closet, 150 The Dock & 120 West are the buildings with an address location assigned to them. These are all just fake data for the demonstration. The vision for this Inventory Management system is to cover the whole campus so we have a single source to know what and who has it checked out. 

A simple todo list app built in HTML, CSS, local storage and Vanilla JavaScript.

This project was generated with Angular CLI version 9.0.3 and using OMDb API.

Vanilla JavaScript 

The Strategy of the Game

One player will roll the dice. You can hold or roll again. The caveat is, if you roll 1 you lose all your points and will be taken back to zero. The first to collect 100 points wins !!!!

Used Angular, Input Decorator, Switch & Case, NgFor loop and property binding.